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Ten essential tips to not fail on the first date
22.05.2020 09:06:04
1) Dress for success

Appearance is very important. It is essential to be neat and well dressed. In the case of men, it is important that they are shaved, with their hair arranged, good shoes and a pleasant perfume. Women should opt for appropriate and feminine clothing, with faint and pretty makeup, a cute hairstyle and bijouterie.

2) Peace of mind ... first of all

To prepare for a first date it is good to be alone in the room, without having people around who are asking many questions. This will only cause more nerves and some important detail to escape when choosing the right look.

3) Greet naturally

The first date is a litmus test, from start to finish. When you are in front of the person, you should greet them naturally and as calmly as possible, avoiding showing nervousness or insecurity.

4) Where to go?

It is good that the appointment is in a neutral place, such as a restaurant or a bar so that they can chat quietly. It is not recommended that the first meeting be in the house of either of them to avoid uncomfortable moments, since there is still no trust between the two.

5) Appetizer or lunch

If the appointment is during the day, you can plan a lunch in a quiet restaurant where people can talk quietly. Another program may be to go for a snack in the afternoon somewhere that is not very busy.

6) The first conversation, the key to the meeting

The talk should be oriented so that both people get to know each other and tell what their personal tastes are, what they have studied, what they work at, what sport they prefer, what their hobby is, how their family is formed, etc.

7) Never talk about ex couples

You should never talk on a date about a former partner. Neither from the mother, the father or the children too much. It is a time to talk about each other and not third parties. If this is true, they will be able to know each other in depth to know if there is something beyond a simple physical attraction.

8) Show the real me

"Be yourself. Do not make up being something you are not because it will not benefit you. On the contrary, then, in the future, it may backfire. Be careful," advises Marisa Heffler.

9) Avoid the kiss

A kiss on the first date is not advisable, unless it occrs naturally. "Get to know each other well and know if they are really for each other," recommends Marisa.

10) Friendly gestures and chivalry

At the end of the appointment it is importan,t that the man accompany the woman to leave the restaurant. If she has a car, she must accompany her until she gets on and, if she goes by bus, to the bus stop. If she allows it, the man can accompany her to the door of her house, to show concern that she has arrived safely.

veröffentlicht von Rana Moneeb

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